Meet the Team

Our Board

Carol Macrae
Director (Chair)

Dubbo, NSW

What do you bring to Reiki Australia?
I bring 25 years of experience teaching and using Usui Reiki and energy medicine to heal my own life, and the lives of my family, friends, students and clients. I am also a Clinical and 5-PATH Hypnotherapist, a Komyo ReikiDo Master, a Touch For Health Kinesiology Practitioner, and have studied several other forms of energy medicine, including Theta Healing. I originally trained as a Registered Nurse, and also owned and operated several fitness centres, including teaching Tai Chi and Yoga for more than 20 years. 

Why did you get involved with Reiki Australia?
I joined Reiki Australia in 2011 as I was looking for an organisation that aligned with my values, to help spread knowledge and gain recognition for Reiki as a healing modality in the wider community.

I have seen the power of Reiki first hand when I was able to heal badly damaged knees healing my bone cancer and recovering from a double mastectomy and reconstruction. I love Reiki Australia. Together we can make a difference!

Who is the real Carol?
First and foremost I am a mother and grandmother. Family is everything. We have 3 adult children, are blessed to be raising our 6 year old granddaughter and have raised one grandson and helped raise another. Life is busy! I love to spend time with the kids baking, and teaching them life skills. 

I meditate, play guitar, was a singer in a band with my husband for 15 years, and also have a black belt in Taekwondo. I love to do the super-sudoku on the weekends, enjoy the outdoors and my herb garden, and have a very busy Hypnotherapy and Reiki practice. Every spare moment is spent growing and nurturing my soul, learning more so I can help others.
I believe that there is nothing we cannot do if we put out mind to it. There are no obstacles, only opportunities to overcome and grow our soul. 

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Disclaimer:  The content and media on this website and in Member profiles in the Directory is intended for information purposes only.  It is not intended to constitute medical advice, any diagnosis, or recommended treatments.  All products and services offered are at that person’s discretion and the views are the author's and not necessarily Reiki Australia's, except where this is specifically stated.  Reiki Australia does not take responsibility for anything you do based on the general information provided. Consult a physician or appropriate health care professional as required.

Carol Macrae
Leonie Mahon
Director (Secretary) + PD Facilitator

Niagara Park, NSW

What do you bring to Reiki Australia?
My background is Teaching & Leading and I feel very humbled by the honour bestowed upon me as a Reiki Master. I am passionate about continuing to grow the Reiki Australia community by supporting and encouraging others on their Reiki journey. I have been running my own small business for the last 5 years and I am excited to offer my knowledge and experience to Reiki Australia as a Director. 

Why did you get involved with Reiki Australia?

I became involved with Reiki Australia because it is important to me to see the profile of Reiki in Australia lifted. I imagine the day when nearly everyone knows what Reiki is and enjoys the benefits of its healing.
Who is the real Leonie?
I love a simple life! I don’t need all the bells and whistles, just good-old genuine connection! I enjoy time in nature, swimming, crafting and reading for pleasure (when/if I ever get the chance). 

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Disclaimer:  The content and media on this website and in Member profiles in the Directory is intended for information purposes only.  It is not intended to constitute medical advice, any diagnosis, or recommended treatments.  All products and services offered are at that person’s discretion and the views are the author's and not necessarily Reiki Australia's, except where this is specifically stated.  Reiki Australia does not take responsibility for anything you do based on the general information provided. Consult a physician or appropriate health care professional as required.

Leonie Mahon
Debra Fidler
Director (Marketing)

Orange, NSW

I am currently working in a rural community and based in Orange, Central West in New South Wales. I travel back to Sydney to visit my children, although we have the occasional adventure in the Blue Mountains.

What do you bring to Reiki Australia?

I have a holistic and spiritual background grounded in business and marketing, a mix of two worlds. I have worked for large organisations and run my own business, so I understand the intricacies and dynamics of a non-profit organization. Most importantly, I have long had a passion for helping others on their journey, and it is this aspect I love to bring to life in others.

Why did you get involved with Reiki Australia?

The simplest answer is to give and be of service to others. My spiritual name is Vanamali, and the essence of that is to be of service, the offering of the garland of flowers in the spirit of love and compassion to others. This vital aspect guides my life and my decisions when collaborating with others.

Who is the real Debra?

There is no hidden me! I work with compassion and love in service to the universe and the planet. However, I do have many roles; I am a mum, a sister, a teacher, a practitioner, a provisional psychologist, and a counsellor. I love nature, chocolate, and coffee and recognise I need to look after myself first so I can then look after others.

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Disclaimer:  The content and media on this website and in Member profiles in the Directory is intended for information purposes only.  It is not intended to constitute medical advice, any diagnosis, or recommended treatments.  All products and services offered are at that person’s discretion and the views are the author's and not necessarily Reiki Australia's, except where this is specifically stated.  Reiki Australia does not take responsibility for anything you do based on the general information provided. Consult a physician or appropriate health care professional as required.

Debra Fidler
Elaine Bowler

Ballarat, Vic

What do you bring to Reiki Australia?

I bring enthusiasm, creative thinking and a wide variety of skills, knowledge and experience gained from working in many sectors including Retail Management, Hospitality, Healthcare.
I have a passion for helping others, and also have volunteered in Animal Rescue for over 20 years.

Why did you get involved with Reiki Australia?

I discovered Reiki when I accidentally attended a Reiki share for practitioners!! 
It was a very profound Spiritual and Healing experience. 
It ignited my passion for Reiki & thirst for knowledge, so I contacted Reiki Australia for more information, and to find a Reiki Master from whom to learn.
Reiki Australia’s ethics, vision, and mission deeply resonated with me, and the Membership team fostered a great sense of community, connection and support for members.
I feel very blessed to be invited to work with such an amazing team of inspiring individuals.

Who is the real Elaine?
I love the outdoors, camping, gardening and bush-walking with my dog. 
I practice yoga, meditate and love reading and collecting books of all different genres.
I'm a highly spiritual person, a Sensitive & Empath, and I'm currently studying to further develop my Psychic Mediumship abilities.
My partner & I are both keen history buffs and love to explore old historical sites in the area and enjoy conducting Paranormal investigations with all the tech gear. 

Disclaimer:  The content and media on this website and in Member profiles in the Directory is intended for information purposes only.  It is not intended to constitute medical advice, any diagnosis, or recommended treatments.  All products and services offered are at that person’s discretion and the views are the author's and not necessarily Reiki Australia's, except where this is specifically stated.  Reiki Australia does not take responsibility for anything you do based on the general information provided. Consult a physician or appropriate health care professional as required.
Sue McKeirnan
Director (Finance)

Toowoomba, Qld

What do you bring to Reiki Australia?

Having worked around multiple sclerosis most of my life. I offer a blend of backgrounds which I include in my business today. Specialising in disability, I have a deep commitment to making a positive impact on people's lives. I thrive on brainstorming sessions, where I can creatively contribute to problem-solving and innovation, making me a valuable asset to any team. bringing over 30 years experience in youth work, (disabilities), as well as several years banking experience prior to becoming a Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master, evidential medium and spiritual coach.

Why did you get involved with Reiki Australia?

I recognised the importance of connecting with individuals who share similar goals and establishing credibility within my business. My decision to align with Reiki Australia was evident, as it not only offered a support network but also opportunities for ongoing personal development.

Who is the real Sue?
I am an avid reader and animal lover, with a passion for learning. This led me to becoming a meditation, chair yoga and Qi Gong instructor, spiritual business coach, evidential medium and psychic amongst other things. In my younger years I was an adventurer, absailer, ice skater, and loved motor bikes, all of which took a back seat after my diagnosis of MS. This led me on a self healing journey, which I continue today.

Disclaimer:  The content and media on this website and in Member profiles in the Directory is intended for information purposes only.  It is not intended to constitute medical advice, any diagnosis, or recommended treatments.  All products and services offered are at that person’s discretion and the views are the author's and not necessarily Reiki Australia's, except where this is specifically stated.  Reiki Australia does not take responsibility for anything you do based on the general information provided. Consult a physician or appropriate health care professional as required.
Your Spirit Coach

Operations Teams

Liz Walsh
Operations & Project Manager

Sydney, NSW

What do you bring to Reiki Australia?
I have extensive project management experience within the community services sector. My main focus being social housing and homelessness. I have a passion to help others, promote the benefits of self-care, and to grow the exposure of Reiki to the wider community. 

Who is the real Liz?

I am a fun loving dancer and enjoy taking my fur babies to the beach, nurturing my houseplants and exploring op shops.  I'm spiritual business owner.   I love crystal healing, chakradance, astrology, tarot and exploring the realms greater than our own. I found the benefits of Reiki and I’m super excited to spread the word! 

Why did you get involved with Reiki Australia?

I decided to join Reiki Australia after experiencing the benefits of Reiki for my own wellbeing. I'm excited to be involved with the mission to expand the recognition of Reiki into healthcare and the wider community. I feel strongly about promoting the benefits of Reiki as a complementary healing modality, and supporting others who are in need of healing.

Disclaimer:  The content and media on this website and in Member profiles in the Directory is intended for information purposes only.  It is not intended to constitute medical advice, any diagnosis, or recommended treatments.  All products and services offered are at that person’s discretion and the views are the author's and not necessarily Reiki Australia's, except where this is specifically stated.  Reiki Australia does not take responsibility for anything you do based on the general information provided. Consult a physician or appropriate health care professional as required.

Facebook Page
Nicole Bennett
Membership Coordinator

Redlands, Brisbane, QLD

What do you bring to Reiki Australia?
I recently retired from the position as Chair for Reiki Australia after my 3 year term and understand the commitment needed to run our Association, so continue to work in this role. I bring a strong commitment and passion for Reiki and as a Clinical Nutritionist, to the Natural Health industry as a whole.  It’s very important to me to encourage the advancement and recognition of Reiki within the wider community.  In this position I aim to bring fresh ideas, perspectives and work to support the team in propelling the association forward.

Why did you get involved with Reiki Australia?
As a member I was very impressed with the association.  I observed a high level of professionalism, support and guidance matched with an innovative and progressive outlook.   These qualities are what I believe Reiki needs to expand into the broader population, mainstream healthcare settings and to be acknowledged for the incredible healing modality that it is.

Who is the real Nicole? 
When I’m not seeing clients you can find me enjoying time with my family and friends, facilitating meditation by playing my crystal singing bowls or with my head deep in a textbook!

I’m a definite mix of logical, analytical and scientific thrown in with a very deep spiritual connection. I also have an enthusiasm for traveling and exploring other cultures that’s been with me since a young age.

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Disclaimer:  The content and media on this website and in Member profiles in the Directory is intended for information purposes only.  It is not intended to constitute medical advice, any diagnosis, or recommended treatments.  All products and services offered are at that person’s discretion and the views are the author's and not necessarily Reiki Australia's, except where this is specifically stated.  Reiki Australia does not take responsibility for anything you do based on the general information provided. Consult a physician or appropriate health care professional as required.

Nutritional Health & Wellbeing

Projects Teams

Annabel Muis
Professional Development

Kuranda, Far North Queensland

What do you bring to Reiki Australia?
A Reiki practitioner since 1989, my non-Reiki work included organisational training and development. In Reiki Australia I help identify and design development opportunities for people who want to extend their personal/spiritual Reiki practice to become professional treatment practitioners.

Why did you get involved with Reiki Australia?
To contribute to ensuring that practitioners providing public Reiki treatments have knowledge and skills to create a safe and nurturing healing space for their clients and themselves. I’m still involved after fourteen years because I value Reiki Australia’s professionalism.

Who is the real Annabel?
I’m a 'bushy' at heart, so on our two-acre property, we encourage wild wallabies to visit and hang out.

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Disclaimer:  The content and media on this website and in Member profiles in the Directory is intended for information purposes only.  It is not intended to constitute medical advice, any diagnosis, or recommended treatments.  All products and services offered are at that person’s discretion and the views are the author's and not necessarily Reiki Australia's, except where this is specifically stated.  Reiki Australia does not take responsibility for anything you do based on the general information provided. Consult a physician or appropriate health care professional as required.

Meet Annabel