
Reiki in Hospitals

Growing Trend to Utilise Reiki in Mainstream Hospital & Clinical Setting

Reiki treatments are increasingly accepted in health and community care facilities including hospitals,
hospices and cancer support units.
Reiki has been integrated into the hospital setting with more than 900 hospitals offering it in Australia, the
USA, U K, Ireland, Brazil, and Mexico .
Reiki is also offered in Children’s hospitals, Hospital Emergency Rooms, Pre Op, Operating rooms, Post Op,
Oncology, Cardiology, Orthopaedics, Internal Medicine, and Palliative Care.

Reiki in Surgery

There are some leading oncologists and heart surgeons who are embracing Reiki Practitioners in the
operating theatre via specially trained ‘Medical Reiki Practitioners’ Practitioners’, trained specifically to work within the
surgical setting .
A research study at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, CT showed that Reiki patients had need for less
anaesthesia , less bleeding during surgery, used fewer pain medications and experienced shorter stays in the
DR. SHELDON MARK FELDMAN, MD. Chief of the Division of Breast Surgery and Surgical Oncology & Director
of Breast Cancer Services at Montefiore Einstein Center for Cancer Care succinctly summarises why he
embraces Reiki as a complimentary therapy for his patients: patients:“…less blood loss during surgery, a shorter hospital stay and faster healing without the need for pain medication.”

Reiki in Australian Hospitals

As of 2020, Reiki is used as a complement to traditional medicine in 6 Australian hospitals. Perth’s biggest
hospital, Fiona Stanley Hospital Cancer Care and the Health Minister for Perth opened the Complementary
Health Clinic in July 2019.

Other hospitals providing Reiki as complementary therapy include;

  • Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, WA
  • St. John of God Subiaco Hospital Bunbury Clinic, WA
  • Albany Hospital, WA
  • J. W. While Palliative Care Unit, Tasmania
  • The Mater, North Sydney
  • At the Solaris Care Cancer Support Centre at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth , Reiki is the most accessed complementary health treatment for cancer and leukaemia patients. Many patients repor significant improvements in their level of pain, fatigue, nause a , breathing and mental health

Reiki in Hospitals in the USA

In the United States of America, a ccording to an International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP) study of “America’s Best (the top 25 ranked by U.S. News and World Report in 2002), 60% of them had
formal or informal Reiki programs in place.  

67% of hospitals offering Reiki to patients said that they believed Reiki to be highly beneficial and ALL
reported that they believed Reiki to be at least somewhat beneficial for patients

Some of the leading hospitals in the US utilising Reiki for their patients include:

  • The Cleveland Clinic
  • The Mayo Clinic
  • Johns Hopkins
  • Brigham & Women’s Hospital
  • Spaulding Rehab
  • Dana Farber Cancer Institute
  • The Children’s Hospital, Boston

Some of medical teams utilising Reiki for their patients describe the benefits of Reiki include:

  • Stress Reduction
  • Relaxation
  • Pain Reduction
  • Muscle Tension Reduction
  • Nausea Reduction
  • Sleep Improvement
  • Acceleration of Healing

The May o Clinic, (which has been ranked No. 1 Best Hospital in the World) focuses on a holistic approach to
patient care , including the spiritual and emotional needs that might arise during treatment. Reiki
practitioners provide volunteer services to patients at both the Mayo Clinic Hospital campuses and some
outpatient areas.

The Cleveland Clinic (which has been ranked No. 2 Best Hospital in the World) u tilizes Reiki for cancer,
infertility, Parkinson’s disease, psychological illnesses, chronic pain, digestive problems, mental health and
wellbeing and stress related diseases. It claims that Reiki initiates the feeling of security in patients , peace,
and wellness, brings a peaceful, deep relaxation, reduces stress, stimulates the body’s immune system,
stimulates tissue and bone healing after injury or surgery and supports the well being of the patient who is
rec eiving medical treatments.

Reiki in Hospitals in the UK

Reiki is increasingly being utilised in the UK and continues to find its way into mainstream hospital settings as part of a ‘whole’ care approach to patient’s health, physical recovery and mental and emotional wellbeing.
Sam Buxton Sunflower Healing Trust is one of the charities that have worked closely with University Hospital London and have placed more than 35 medical Reiki practitioners in the following Hospitals across the UK;

  • University College Hospital, London
  • Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge
  • Princess Alexandra Hospital, Epping
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Welwyn Garden City
  • Derriford Hospital, Plymouth
  • Wigan NHS Trust, Wigan
  • St Josephs Hospice, London
  • Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw Children’s Hospice, Carlisle
  • St Mary’s Hospice, Ulversty on and Barrow in Furness NHS Trust
  • St Johns Hospice, Lancaster
  • Kent and Canterbury Hospital, Canterbury
  • Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre, Bristol
  • Rowcroft Hospice
  • Torquay, The Lister Hospital, Stevenage

Benefits of Reiki in Hospital Settings

Reiki treatments are effective in reducing fear and anxiety, emotional distress, ease chronic and acute pain speed up recovery after surgery and reduce length of hospital stay post surgery. In addition, Reiki puts the patient in a calm state so that other medicines and treatments can work more effectively.

Current data suggests Reiki’s positive effects in four areas:
• Acute and chronic pain.
• Stress, anxiety and
• Overall well being.

In 1998, Hartford Hospital, Connecticut, approved the development of a Reiki volunteer pilot program in Women’s Health. Patients and staff reported statistically significant reductions in pain and anxiety, as we ll as improvement with sleep. As a result, the program became part of a formal Integrative Medicine Department in 1999.

In 1998, 10 volunteers provided 523 Reiki sessions. In 2012, approximately 40 50 volunteers provided 3,167 Reiki sessions. The total number of Reiki sessions provided over the 15 years is 58,214.

Over 84% of patients say they would be more likely to choose Hartford Hospital for future admissions because of Reiki and other complementary and alternative therapies offered by Integrative Medicine.

Feedback from patients includes:
“I hope Reiki is always available because it helped me a lot in relaxing and healing, giving me energy to think positive and forget the bad things wrong with me. I thank you for Reiki; it really, really helped me!” “I felt the Reiki program helped me to relax and deepen my breathing patterns which, in turn, reduced my pain. I am very grateful for the Reiki volunteers.” “I will never go to another hospital again because of the effect Reiki has had on me. I have had eight operations and the last one at HH was the most painful. The Reiki session helped me handle it and believe I can go through it again with Reiki.” “Even on pain medications, after a Reiki session was the only time I was pain free!”

Data obtained from patients who got Reiki during the initial pilot phase (December 1999 December 2000) demonstrates that 570 patients felt significantly less pain and were more relaxed after a Reiki session than before. Data obtained from patients after the pilot study when the Reiki program had expanded (July December 2004) indicate that after Reiki or massage, 97% of patients said that their sleep improved and 91% said that their nausea was reduced Patients attending the Brownstone Ambulatory Clinic, Hartford Hospital, between August 2003 and December 2004 who received Reiki showed significantly less anxiety and pain after their treatment . In 2008, Hartford Hospital Reiki Program was extended to the Cancer Center. Reiki is being used increasingly to comfort cancer patients and to decrease their pain and anxiety.
At the Oncology Haematology Unit at Bega Valley Health Services, Reiki sessions are provided by Jennifer Ahrens, who reported, “Most patients are grateful that the hospital provides this service, which they report as bringing diverse benefits, particularly on an emotional level and one that is personally supportive as they negotiate a stressful and traumatic period with less fear, anxiety or depression.”

End of Life: Reiki in Palliative and Hospice Care

There are now hundreds of hospices around the world offering Reiki as a therapy for patients at the palliative care stage of their lives. This number continues to grow as more physicians and nurses are recognizing the benefits that Reiki offers their patient s. “As a complementary treatment, Reiki is becoming more and more popular in the spheres of hospice, palliative and home care.” (International Association of Reiki Practitioners According to Merlene Bullock, RN, BSN, case manager, Hospice of the Valley, Phoenix, Arizona (Bullock, 1997), Reiki has been associated with improved quality of life when patients are in palliative care where curative treatment is no longer an option.

Some of the benefits reported include:

  • Enhanced quality of life: periods of stabilization in which there is time to enjoy the last days of one’s life;
  • A peaceful and calm passing if death is imminent; and
  • Relief from pain, anxiety, dyspnea (shortness of breath) and edema.
  • Improved sense of wellbeing

Reiki is a valuable complement in supporting patients in their end of life journey, enhancing the quality of their remaining days.

Pamela Miles, Reiki Master, educator and author, who has consulted with hospital administrators about integrating Reiki practice into clinical care, says:
“Caring family members can learn Reiki as easily as the palliative patient can. Caregivers experience stress and the first thing taught in Reiki Level 1 is self-care. This ability can be used to care for the palliative patient, thereby making the family member “feel useful” (Miles, 2003).

In 2012, the Penn Wissahickon Hospice, part of the University of Pennsylvania Health System, tested a volunteer Reiki program for its effectiveness in a hospice setting. Ellen Inglesby Deering, a volunteer coordinator, commented, “It’s very exciting. I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback from patients, families and volunteers.” A volunteer mentioned a patient with advanced dementia who giggled after the treatment and then started having a conversation with her daughter. The daughter later commented that she had not been able to have a conversation this beneficial with her mother in over a year.

The Reiki program for hospice care is still active as judged by the online requests for more Reiki volunteers.
A small study was performed at Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (Connor and Anadarajah, 2017), to explore the experiences of hospice patients and their caregivers who received Reiki.

Three major themes emerged:

  1. Trust plays an important role in both trying Reiki and experiencing benefits
  2. Sensations are felt in the body during Reiki; notable similarities in descriptions included somatic sensations (arising from skin, muscles, joints, etc.), temperature changes and visual sensations.
  3. Some symptoms are relieved by Reiki, the most common being anxiety. Others include pain, agitation, nausea, and insomnia. Participants reported no side effects. It was concluded that
    although symptom management in hospice patients remains a challenge, Reiki has the potential to serve as a useful adjunctive therapy in treating several symptoms, particularly anxiety.

“[Reiki] gives help and comfort to many patients when used in a complementary sense to support conventional medical care. In relieving stress, in alleviating side effects and in giving succour to the elderly and in palliative care they often fulfill an important role”.” The House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology report on the use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies (CAM)

There have been many studies (including peer reviewed studies ) conducted in relation to Reiki, both in clinical a n d non clinical settings and research remains ongoing.

To date, the primary outcomes studied in Reiki research have used measures for pain, anxiety, and stress, including heart rate, blood pressure, salivary cortisol, as well as measures for job burnout and caring efficacy.

More specific measures have been used to evaluate outcomes for stroke rehabilitatio n, depression in one small study, complete elimination of typical postoperative depression was seen in heart surgery patients given Reiki during surgery (Motz, 1998)) , other chronic health conditions including in clinical setting and post operatively , as well as measuring immunity following Reiki treatment. Previous research has also provided evidence to suggest that Reiki may be a useful complementary therapy in acute settings.

Natalie Dyer, Ph.D, Neuroscientist & President of the Center for Reiki Research states, “At this point, there are probably 60 or more published studies that I can point to that show reiki’s benefit, and yet there’s still this persistent myth that no credible science backs reiki.” The studies mentioned here here are just some of the studies that have been published to date (and are not intended as an exhaustive or complete list) which indicate the potential benefits and likely efficacy of Reiki on certain measures. 

Effect of Reiki therapy on biophysiological and psychological status of patients after major surgical procedures: a pilot report. Indian J Health Wellbeing . 4 :1011 1017. Sasikala G. 

The effectiveness of Reiki as an aid to recovery after major surgical procedures has been tested in an Indian hospital. Reiki was provided after surgical procedures such as laparotomy, gastrectomy, hysterectomy, cholecystectomy, mastectomy, and general abdominal surgeries. Reiki was found to improve the vital signs (temperat ure, pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and pain), hence the prospects for better recovery and to reduce anxiety and depression.

Reiki Is Better Than Placebo and Has Broad Potential as a Complementary Health Therapy David E. McManus, PhD1 https://www.ncbi .nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ 13 peer reviewed studies published between 1998 and 2016 were evaluated . There were 4 randomized single blind studies and 7 randomized double blind studies with human participants, and 2 studies using rats. The studies included both pilot studies and clinical trials, looking at both short term and long term
application of Reiki.

Reiki was found to be better than placebo for inducing a physically relaxed state. This appears to be an objective fact, given that it has been replicated in both humans and rats. Physiological measurements indicate that Reiki is more effective than placebo in reducing resting heart rate, increasing heart rate variability, and reducing blood pressure. These results indicate that Reiki is more effective than placebo in activating the parasympathetic nervous system.

Viewed collectively, these studies provide reasonably strong support for Reiki being more effective than placebo. From the information currently available, Reiki is a safe and gentle “complementary” therapy that activates the parasympathetic nervous system to heal body and mind. It has potential for broader use in management of chronic health conditions, and possibly in postoperative recovery.

A Large-Scale Effectiveness Trial of Reiki for Physical and Psychological Health Natalie L. Dyer, Ann L. Baldwin, and William L. Rand (Published Online:16 Dec 2019https://doi.org/10.1089/acm.2019.0022)

Statistically significant improvements were observed for all outcome measures, including positive affect, negative affect, pain, drowsiness, tiredness, nausea, appetite, shortness of breath, anxiety, depression, and overall well being (all p values <0.001). Reiki improves heart rate homeostasis in laboratory rats Ann Linda Baldwin 1, Christina Wagers, Gary E Schwartz PMID: 18435597 DOI: 10.1089/acm.2007.0753

Reiki has been shown to significantly decrease HR and blood pressure in a small group of healthy human subjects. Ho wever, use of humans in such studies has the disadvantage that experimental interpretations are encumbered by the variable of belief or skepticism regarding Reiki. For that reason, noise stressed rats were used as an animal model to test the efficacy of Re iki in reducing elevated HR and blood pressure.

Three unrestrained, male Sprague Dawley rats implanted with radiotelemetric transducers were exposed daily for 8 days to a 15 minute white noise regimen (90 dB). For the last 5 days, the rats received 15 minutes of Reiki immediately before the noise and during the noise period. The experiment was repeated on the same animals but using sham Reiki. Mean HRs and blood pressure were determined before Reiki/sham. Reiki, during Reiki/sham Reiki, and during the noise in each case.

Results: Reiki, but not sham Reiki, significantly reduced HR compared to initial values. With Reiki, there was a high correlation between change in HR and initial HR, suggesting a homeostatic effect. Reiki, but not sham. Reiki, significantly reduced the rise in HR produced by exposure of the rats to loud noise.

Conclusion: Reiki is effective in modulating HR in stressed and unstressed rats, supporting its use as a stress reducer in humans.

Effects of Reiki on Pain and Anxiety in Women Hospitalized for Obstetrical- and Gynecological-Related Conditions Ann Bondi BSN, RN, HN BC, QTTP, Tina Morgan BSN, RN BC, HN BC, Susan B. Fowler PhD, RN, CNRN, FAHA First Published July 3, 2020 Research Article Find in PubMed https://doi.org/10.1177/0898010120936437 
Purpose: To determine the effect of Reiki on pain and anxiety in women in antepartum, intrapartum,
postpartum, gyn o cology, and gyn/oncology, settings.
Results: Mean pain scores after Reiki significantly decreased from 3.24 to 1.52 (n = 203; z = − p <
Mean anxiety scores after Reiki significantly decreased from 3.56 to 1.28 (n = 195; z = − p < .001).
Women were asked if the effects lingered for any length of time post Reiki treatment, and 91 of 101
responded affirmatively that decreased pain and/ or anxiety continued.
Conclusion: Findings from this study confirm the positive and lingering effects of Reiki in women
hospitalized for obstetrical and gynecological conditions.
Effects of Reiki on Pain and Vital Signs When Applied to the Incision Area of the Body After Cesarean Section Surgery Authors: Sagkal Midilli, Tulay; Ciray Gunduzoglu, Nazmiye DOI: https://doi.org/10.1097/HNP.0000000000000172
Th is study was single blinded, randomized, and double controlled (Reiki, sham Reiki, and control groups).
The treatment, which was applied to the patients in these 3 groups, was applied for 15 minutes to the
incision area of body in the first 24 and 48 hours a fter the operation within 4 to 8 hours of the application of standard analgesics. The study data were collected using a patient follow up form and a visual analog scale.
Mean visual analog scale measurement values were significantly different from each ot her according to groups and times (P < .05). A reduction in pain of 76.06% was determined in the Reiki group patients between day 1 pretx and after application on the second day (day 2 post tx) measurements. Mean breathing rate and systolic blood pressure measurement values were significantly different from each other according to groups (P < .05). The Reiki group was observed to use fewer analgesics throughout the study and to need them after a longer time than the sham Reiki and control groups (P < .05). It was concluded that Reiki applied for 15 minutes to the incision area after a cesarean operation had the expected effects on pain and the need for the use of analgesics The Effect of Reiki on Pain and Anxiety in Women With Abdominal Hysterectomies A Quasi-experimental Pilot Study
Vitale, Anne T. MSN, APRN, BC; O’Connor, Priscilla C. PhD, APRN, BC Holistic Nursing Practice: November 2006 Volume 20 Issue 6 p 263 272
The purpose of this pilot study was to compare reports of pain and levels of state anxiety in 2 groups of women after abdominal hysterectomy. A quasi experimental design was used in which the experimental group (n = 10) received traditional nursing care plus three 30 minute sessions of Reiki, while the control group (n = 12) received traditional nursing care. The results indicated that the experimental group reported less pain and requested fewer analgesics than the control group. Also, the experimental group reported less
state anxiety than the control group on discharge at 72 hours post operation. The authors recommend replication of this study with a similar population, such as women who require nonemergency cesarian section deliveries.

Implementation of a Volunteer Reiki Program at an Academic Medical Center in the Midwest Priscilla Jurkovich MSN, RN, HN BC, CNOR, RMT, Sara Watson B First Published February 26, 2020 Research Article Find in PubMe d https://doi.org/10.1177/0898010120907734
Background: There is an emerging preference for nonopioid therapies for symptom management. Within
an integrative person centered holistic care model, nursing care plans include a patient’s whole narrative with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements.
Method: A total of 1,278 patients received a 20 minute Reiki session with volunteer, certified Reiki
practitioners from September 2017 through October 2019.
Results: The average symptom prescore was 5.52 and postscore was 2.25, thus showing an average change of −3.17.
Conclusions: The authors presented the results that were consistent with research findings from the
literature review suggesting that Reiki can decrease pain, general discomfort, anxiety, insomnia, and nausea.
The Effects of Reiki Therapy on Pain and Anxiety in Patients Attending a Day Oncology and Infusion Services Unit
Nadia Birocco, MD, Camilla Guillame, Silvana Storto, RN, .First Published October 13, 2011 Research Article https://doi.org/10.1177/1049909111420859
The study population was 118 patients (67 women and 51 men; mean age, 55 years) with
cancer at any stage and receiving any kind of chemotherapy. Before each session, the nurses collected the patient’s personal data and clinical history. Each session lasted about 30 min; pain and anxiety scores were recorded using a Visual Analog Scale (VAS ), together with a description of the physical feelings the patients perceived during the session. All 118 patients received at least 1 Reiki treatment (total number, 238). In the subgroup of 22 patients who underwent the full cycle of 4 treatments, the me an VAS anxiety score decreased from 6.77 to 2.28 (P <.000001) and the mean VAS pain score from 4.4 to 2.32 (P = .091).
Overall, the sessions were felt helpful in improving well being, relaxation, pain relief, sleep quality and
reducing anxiety. Offering Reiki therapy in hospitals could respond to patients’ physical and emotional needs.
Integrative Reiki for Cancer Patients: A Program Evaluation 

Kimberly A. Fleisher, MEd, Elizabeth R. Mackenzie, PhD, Eitan S. Frankel, BA
| First Published October 7, 2013 Research Article
Find in PubMed https://doi.org/10.1177/1534735413503547
Objective. This mixed methods study sought to evaluate the outcomes of an integrative Reiki volunteer program in an academic medical oncology cent re setting.

Method. We used deidentified program evaluation data to perform both quantitative and qualitative
analyses of participants’ experiences of Reiki sessions. The quantitative data were collected pre and post session using a modified version of the distress thermometer. The pre and post session data from the distress assessment were analyzed using a paired Student’s t test. The qualitative data were derived from written responses to open ended questions asked after each Reiki session and were analyzed for key words and recurring themes.

Results. Of the 213 pre post surveys of first time sess ions in the evaluation period, we observed a more than 50% decrease in self reported distress (from 3.80 to 1.55), anxiety (from 4.05 to 1.44), depression (from 2.54 to 1.10), pain (from 2.58 to 1.21), and fatigue (from 4.80 to 2.30) with P < .001 for Using conservative estimates that treat missing data as not endorsing Reiki, we found 176 (82.6%) of participants liked the Reiki session, 176 (82.6%) found the Reiki session helpful, 157 (73.7%) plan to continue using Reiki, and 175 (82.2%) would recommend Reiki to others. Qualitative analyses found that individuals reported that Reiki induced relaxation and enhanced spiritual well being.
Conclusions. An integrative Reiki volunteer program shows promise as a component of supportive care for cancer patients. More research is needed to evaluate and understand the impact that Reiki may have for patients, caregivers, and staff whose lives have been affected by cancer.
Long-term effects of energetic healing on symptoms of psychological depression and self-perceived stress Adina Goldman Shore Deborah Bowden, Lorna Goddard, and John Gruzelier Psychology Department, Goldsmiths, University of London, ITC Builidng, New Cross, London SE14 6NW, UK
The participants with high anxiety and/or depression who received Reiki showed a progressive improvement in overall mood, which was significantly better at five week follow up, while no change was seen in the controls. T he findings of both studies suggest that Reiki may benefit mood.
Reiki for Hospice Patients and Their Caregivers: An In-Depth Qualitative Study of Experiences and Effects on Symptoms Kristina Conner, MD
; Gowri Anandarajah, MD Open ArchiveDOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2016.12.2 30
Design: An exploratory qualitative in depth individual interview study.
Participants/Setting: Hospice patients and their caregivers who have chosen to receive Reiki therapy
through a New England hospice. Patients’ and caregivers’ interviews were supplemented with interviews of their Reiki providers. Institutional Review Board approval was obtained.
Results : Three major themes emerged:
(1) Trust plays an important role in both trying Reiki and experiencing benefits;
(2) Sensations are felt in the body during Reiki notable similarities in descriptions included somatic
sensations, temperature changes and visual sensations;
(3) Some symptoms are relieved the most common was anxiety. Others include: pain, agitation, nausea,
and insomnia. Participants’ description of sensations and symptoms appeared unrelated to how Reiki
pro viders describe Reiki to clients. Participants reported no side effects.
: This exploratory study suggests that Reiki therapy may result in positive physical sensations and
symptom relief in hospice patients and their caregivers, with no reported side effects. Further study is needed to better understand this phenomenon.
Implications for research, policy or practice : Symptom management in hospice patients remains a challenge.
Our study suggests that Reiki has the potential to serve as a useful adj unctive therapy in treating several symptoms, particularly anxiety. 

The effect of Reiki on depression in elderly people living in nursing home Erdogan, Zeynep
, Cinar, Sezgi : NISCAIR CSIR, India IJTK Vol.15(1) [January 2016]
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Reiki on depression in elderly persons living in nursing homes. The study was conducted randomized, controlled and experimental. The study universe consisted of 170 elderly and due to the long duration of the study and 90 elderly who volunteered for the study and fulfilled the inclusion criteria formed the sample. Ninety elderly individuals who were included in the study were separated into 3 groups using the random sampling method: 30 in the reiki group, 30 in the sham reiki group, and 30 in the control group.
Data was collected using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS).
There was a significant decrease in depression score of the Reiki group while there was no significant
difference in depression scores of the sham Reiki and control group on the 4th, 8th and 12th weeks
considering 1st week. In addition, the depression score of the Reiki group was lower than the depression scores of the sham Reiki and control group on the 4th, 8th and 12th weeks. The results of this study indicate that Reiki might be effective for reducing depression in elderly persons living in nursing homes.
Using Reiki to Decrease Memory and Behavior Problems in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer’s Disease Stephen E. Crawford, V. Wayne Leaver, and Sandra D. Mahoney
| Published Online:16 Nov 2006https://doi.org/10.1089/acm.2006.12.911
Objectives: This empirical study explored the efficacy of using Reiki treatment to improve memory and behavior deficiencies in patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild Alzheimer’s disease.
Subjects: The sample included 24 participants scoring between 20 and 24 on the AMMSE.
Interventions: Twelve participants were exposed to 4 weeks of weekly treatments of Reiki from two Reiki Master level practitioners; 12 participants served as controls and received no treatment.
Outcome measures: The two groups were compared on pre and post treatment scores on the AMMSE and the Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist (RMBPC).
Results: Results indicated statistically significant increases in mental functioning (as demonstrated by improved scores of the AMMS E) and memory and behavior problems (as measured by the RMBPC) after Reiki treatment. This research adds to a very sparse database from empirical studies on Reiki results. Conclusion: The results indicate that Reiki treatments show promise for improving certain behavior and memory problems in patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild Alzheimer’s disease. Caregivers can administer Reiki at little or no cost, resulting in significant societal value by potentially reducing the needs for medication and ho spitalization.


With respect to safety, there have been no reported negative effects from Reiki in any of the research studies.

Created by

Fiona Phillips
Within The Space| Traditional Japanese Reiki
85 Moor Street | Fitzroy | Melbourne


US National Library of Medicine | NCBI National Centre for Biotechnology Information: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Research gate: www.researchgate.net

PubMed: www.pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management: www.centreforreikiresearch.com http://www.centreforreikiresearch.com

The Centre For Reiki Research: www.centreforreikiresearch.com

NISCAIR Online Periodicals Repository www.niscair.res.in
Everything you need to know about Reiki Medically reviewed by Kerry Boyle D.Ac., M.S., L.Ac., Dipl. Ac.

Written by Tim Newman on July 27, 2021 Medical News Today : www.medicalnewstoday.com

“What Does the Resea rch Say about Reiki?” Expert Contributor: Pamela Miles
Reviewed by: Deborah Ringdahl, DNP, RN, CNM | University of Minnesota: www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu

Ann Linda Baldwin, PhD “Reiki in Clinical Practice: A Science based Guide” Handspring Publishing
Reiki in the Clinical Setting is On The Rise International Association of Reiki Professionals : www.iarp.org
Reiki Australia : www.reikiaustralia.com.au