What's On Member's Notice Board
Our Reiki Australia Noticeboard is a FREE Service for our Reiki Australia Member. If you have any events coming up, please let us know each month by the 15th of the month before by emailing us at contact@reikiaustralia.com.au with your details.
Sekhem-All Love Worksop with Patrick Zeigler (founder of modern Sekhem-Reiki) in Brisbane, QLD
Members Only Events
Reiki Australia are always trying to add more value to your Membership, so in 2025 we are rolling out even more events which will be free to our members.
so if you want to be a part of our Reiki Australia Member’s Extras, join us by going to the Membership Page and follow the links.

Healing Hour
Reiki Healing Hour for Members, Family and Close Friends
This is a FREE group healing session offered to all active Members in any membership category.
Members Only Registrations open the Friday before event.
Registrations close at 5 pm Sunday before event.
For full details
Visit dedicated Facebook Healing Hour Group page OR
Reiki Healing Hour page on the Member Portal
Reiki healing will be sent as of 8:10 pm until 8:40 pm
(Sydney Time)
Past Major Events

Reiki Australia’s 20th Anniversary
2022 marked 20 years of Reiki Australia working together as Australia’s Premium Membership Association run by members, for members. It also coincided with 100 years of Reiki.
We were very honoured to have sone amazing guest speakers at our online event, including Johannes Reindl, the current Grand Master and Lineage Bearer for Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho.
Here is the link to our Event Page. https://www.reikiaustralia.com.au/reiki-australia-20th-anniversary/
Want your event to show up here?