Reiki in Hospitals

Growing Trend to Utilise Reiki in Mainstream Hospital & Clinical Setting Reiki treatments are increasingly accepted in health and community care facilities including hospitals, hospices and cancer support units. Reiki has been integrated into the hospital setting with more than 900 hospitals offering it in Australia, the USA, U K, Ireland, Brazil, and Mexico . […]

The Reiki Precepts- A Deeper Understanding

Although there are variations to the Reiki Precepts, their intention remains the same. “Just for Today” invites us to step in to the present moment where we have an opportunity to change our future. When we are fully present we are able to come back to Divine Mind where all is well. The divine aspect […]

Why Join Reiki Australia?

Our current world is often filled with such turmoil that we ask ourselves what place does Reiki as a spiritual and healing practice have in such a world. A world seemingly full of war and conflict, family dissention, violence, viruses, climate change and the trials and tribulations of everyday living. It seems the busyness of […]

Exploring the Healing Power of Reiki for Kids

Surprisingly, I’m often asked if Reiki is safe for children. Quite simply, the answer is – YES! Reiki treatments are safe and non-invasive. Children today are dealing with far more anxiety, fears, peer pressures and educational pressures than we ever did when we were children – attributed mostly to social media and high profile influencers. […]

Reiki Australia In Touch with Hospitals

Did you know that Reiki Australia is proud to announce that one of our very own Reiki Australia ARTP members and newest board member Lainey Bowler is providing Reiki treatments in a medical setting? As of September 2023, the Ballarat Regional Integrated Cancer Care (BRICC Wellness Centre) at Grampians Health Ballarat, has recommenced offering Reiki […]

Reiki and its Place in the Current World

Our current world is often filled with such turmoil that we ask ourselves what place does Reiki as a spiritual and healing practice have in such a world. A world seemingly full of war and conflict, family dissention, violence, viruses, climate change and the trials and tribulations of everyday living. It seems the busyness of […]